Ground Coconut Soap
Ground Coconut Soap
A powerful plant-based soap formulated to be simple, pure and effective, kind to skin, clothes and the environment.
Fragrance free for sensitive skin.
It is completely biodegradable, eco friendly, and dissolves so easily even in just warm water, making it the ideal choice for cleansing, laundry and hand washing.
Washing clothes:
First blend with hot water and stir to dissolve fully. If using a washing machine, pour the mix into the agitator, or otherwise add it to the washing water.
Or blend equal parts washing soda, borax and Coconut Soap. Mix with very hot water and stir to dissolve fully. If using a washing machine, pour the mix into the agitator, or otherwise add it to the washing water.
Coconut Soap is very effective and yet low in suds as it does not contain sodium lauryl sulphate, which is the chemical added to commercial detergents to produce suds. It can therefore be used in front loaders, but use sparingly until you are confident on how much to use in your front loader. Use in front loaders at your own discretion. If in doubt, or you are concerned you will violate machine warranty, then probably best to use an alternative product.
It is advisable to wash with commercial detergents every 10th wash as modern washing machines require the detergents in commercial cleaners to remove any soap residue.
Organic Coconut Oil, Lye and Water.
Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Product of Sri Lanka